AI Journalist
Artificial intelligence is changing the world around us, potentially in profound ways, right before our eyes. It became too important for me not to write about.
At the start of 2024, I received the Tarbell Fellowship to pursue AI journalism full-time. The Tarbell Fellowship provides mentorship, support, and funding for early-career AI journalists. I am one of eight Tarbell Fellows, chosen from a pool of 500+ candidates.
You can follow my writing at I'll publish original posts there, as well as link to other places I'm published.
I strive for accurate, calibrated opinions in my writing. I'm also coming in with my own beliefs: AI is a big deal. It's important that it goes well, and that is most likely to happen if we understand what's happening clearly.
Disclosures and conflicts of interest
The Tarbell Fellowship is in part funded by Open Philanthropy, an organization which funds lots of work on AI safety and advocacy. Neither Open Philanthropy nor Tarbell have any editorial control over what I write.
My partner works at Google DeepMind.
Levels of Attribution
On the record - I can quote you by name in writing.
On background - I can write about what you said but not identify that you’re the person who said it. (Essentially Chatham house rules)
Off the record - I won't write about what you said. Because this is so restrictive, I’ll usually request interviews be on the record or on background.
By default, casual conversations at social events are on background/off the record - I'm not going to report on what you say at house dinner without talking to you first.
All coaching conversations are confidential and will not be reported on.
Looking for productivity coaching?
Want to see what you can try right now? The blog covers research into which productivity advice works, case studies, and tips for how you can optimize your productivity.
Like many people, you may be thinking some version of “But I can’t answer my key uncertainties! It would take years to know for sure!”
Well, yes, as a matter of fact. You probably can’t eliminate all of your uncertainties. But that isn't the point. You’re not trying to achieve certainty. You’re trying to reduce your uncertainty so that you can make better decisions.